An Exhibition


Une exposition (An Exhibition) is a group exhibition of exhibitions of images exhibiting their condition of being images even though they could be archetypes of artworks. In other words, the exhibition is the image of the image that is projected of a work of art being but an image, an exhibition (hi)story. That is, there is in the projected images of the exhibition a story/history of artworks that would be that of the archetypes of images conveyed by exhibitions of images within the framework of typical exhibitions. It is not that there are only images of images in the exhibition, but rather that we must see in the images exhibitions of archetypes. That is, the exhibition of the images is what’s to be seen. To see by what the image is truly seen when it is exhibited, you would have to project on the image a history of their own images. That is, the exhibition must needs be a group exhibition of images exhibiting their condition of being images even though they could be the archetypes of artworks.